
Introducing Visualfy at Mobile World Congress 2016

Having won two awards from Vodafone in the same week, the Vodafone Big Smart City awards in Portugal in the category of IoT and the Vodafone Innovation in Spain in the category of M2M, we were invited to have a space at the Vodafone stand during the Mobile World Congress 2016 to be able to present the first Deaf Smart Space demo.

From 22th to 25th of February more than 101,000 people from 240 countries attended the Congress. The Visualfy demo was one of the most visited, especially by the different public administrations which came to the Vodafone stand and showed great interest in our solution.

Currently we have signed an agreement with Generalitat Valenciana to install the first pilot building in Tower 2 of the Ciudad Administrativa 9 de Octubre and we are in talks with city councils in Madrid and Barcelona.